Friday, June 4, 2010

Background Information

So, I'm going to be in Colombia for around two weeks, and I figured that you guys would want to know what's up.

I realize this is a little early (ok, a lot!) but I have nothing else to do, so I decided to set this up.

We don't have our travel dates yet, but when we get them, my entire family (Mom, Dad, Mitch and I) will fly to Florida, where we will get on another plane to Bogota (the capital city). From there, we will most likely get on yet another plane (I think) to Manizales, which is where my new little sister lives, and where we will vacation for the time period we are down there.
I'm so excited for this trip, to get to see my little sister as my little sister, and get to see where she lives, and her home city.

I promise to try my hardest to keep y'all posted, and I hope you share this with everyone. I hope to somehow transfer this to my Facebook for those of you that are active on there, or if you know people who are interested that are active.

I will post again to let you guys know our travel dates and keep you updated on that, and then again right before we leave.
